Cost of Goods sold tracking

Monthly net profit figures you can trust

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) tracking with Link My Books allows you to ensure that your month end figures are accurate by automating the allocation of sold inventory as a cost of goods sold expense only once the inventory has physically been sold.
Cost of Goods sold tracking

How COGS Tracking works

Sold items tracked for each payout

Sold items tracked for each payout

Each time you receive a payout from a sales channel, Link My Books works out which items have been sold as part of that payout. We then use the cost information you enter for each of your products to determine the monetary value of inventory that has been sold.
COGS flow automatically

COGS flow automatically

As your products are sold Link My Books will move the monetary value from your inventory account on your balance sheet to your COGS account on your profit and loss report.
Accurate month end figures

Accurate month end figures

Not only does Link My Books automate the accounting for your sales, refunds, fees and taxes via your payout summaries, we can also automate your COGS too. With COGS tracking enabled you’ll see accurate month end figures in your accounting software.

Why COGS tracking is important

Inventory you have purchased or manufactured that is ready to sell should be tracked on your balance sheet as an asset to your business but most sellers don’t do this. Most sellers account for purchases of inventory as a cost to their business right away instead of waiting for that inventory to be sold before realising the cost.

This is not correct and results in those businesses under declaring their profitability. The reason for this is that come the end of the month, quarter or year when they are looking at their finances, they will see skewed results as they have accounted for all of their inventory as a cost on the date they purchased it rather than the correct way, when it is sold.

Accounting for inventory as an asset and then a cost once it is sold means that you will have a much more accurate picture of how your business is performing month to month.

COGS tracking

Ready to gain clarity at month end?

Automate your COGS tracking with Link My Books and have confidence in your month end finances.
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Dan Little